Retained lens fragment and subluxed IOL chafing induced post-op glaucoma

Retained lens fragment and subluxed IOL chafing induced post-op glaucoma

Patient presents 2 weeks following cataract surgery with retained lens fragments, iris chafing from subluxed IOL, broken bag, IOP of 51 and has had lens fragments supposedly removed already along with multiple paracenteses to attempt to bring the IOP down (along with being placed on multiple glaucoma meds.) Case is discussed and the surgery I performed is presented.

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56 y.o. male with advanced Juvenile open angle glaucoma experience worsening of vision

56 y.o. male with advanced Juvenile open angle glaucoma experience worsening of vision
This 56 y.o. male whom I have been following for the past 14 years with Hand Motions visual acuity in both eyes, presented with a two week history of noticing his vision to be even worse than usual and finding himself to be light sensitive. This was not what I was expecting to find.Read More